
Your unforgettable day can start with me… xx Angie

Hello, and heartfelt congratulations on your engagement to be Married! I am delighted for you both! I love celebration, and what can be better, than a Wedding, where your love can be celebrated!

The day has come for you to find a Celebrant, finding a person you connect with is important. It is my privilege and also life affirming for me; to be able to offer you my Professional Services; as an authorised and registered Civil Marriage Celebrant. 

As a Civil Celebrant, I can offer unique ideas, on how best you can reflect your love story, in a fun, welcoming, natural and totally personalised way! I bring to my role a smiling, warm and sunny nature, ready to create, a truly meaningful and legally professional Ceremony. I am a naturally happy and positive person, organised, punctual, respectful of your privacy, and an intuitively, caring human being. Focused and privileged to be a part of the one day in your life, that should be all about you; two!

My promise to you…

…is to make the Ceremony, where two hearts join legally, the most important part of your Wedding Day … truly memorable and magical!

When choosing me as your Wedding Celebrant, and the date and time are secured.  The fun begins, starting the process of your married life, together! 

Couples may already have ideas, or with my help, we can together create new ideas, so many exciting possibilities await you! Whether you desire a casual carefree Ceremony, or the full Set the Scene … Ceremony. Add a theme, or Elope with your hearts desire; simply because you can! Not only, do I write and deliver your love story, I will guide you in choosing or writing your Vows to each other. I will guide and support you and your family and friends before and throughout the Ceremony, to enable you the freedom to enjoy the Ceremony in a comfortable, relaxed fun and happy environment. As you share and start the next chapter of your love life story, just as you wished!

What I do for you as a Marriage Celebrant…

  • I will confirm with you a no obligation meeting time, to discuss your upcoming Ceremony. If you choose me as your Celebrant, then I will confirm your date and time booking, as soon as possible.

  • I will write and create a ceremony unique to your love story from scratch. Reflecting your wishes, and acknowledging your beliefs values and cultural/heritage, ties, if you wish.

  • I am available via, telephone, email, or other social media, if you need me.

  • I will provide you as per the Marriage Celebrants Code of Practice, with a copy of the brochure named, Happily Ever…Before and After.

  • I can provide you with help in choosing or writing your Vows, to each other.

  • I can help you with choosing readings, poems, and with ideas, that reflect your life, love story.

  • I will provide you with a copy of the Ceremony Plan, for you to edit or add too!

  • I will personalise your Ceremony, through the use of beautiful rituals, symbolic of your love story.

  • I will then arrange to meet with you for a second time, either personally over the phone, email, or other social media, to finalise the Ceremony arrangements, for your amazing wedding day!

  • Complete the required Administration of your legal documents with you, in the time frames required and then lodge the same documents; after your wedding has happened.

  • I will organise and attend a time and place with you for a Rehearsal prior to the wedding; day if required. 

  • I will Conduct your ceremony according to Australian, Law.

  • I will arrive 45 minutes before the Ceremony time. Showing support and encouragement to your Family and Friends and liaise with other Professionals who are present for your Ceremony. To ensure that the Ceremony runs beautifully and if possible, without any hitches!

  • I will joyfully conduct your Wedding on the Day, in the presence of your Witnesses and Family and Friends.

  • I provide a Professional PA System, with wireless microphone, with bluetooth capabilities. My PA can be used, to play your choice of music, with prior arrangement from me; on the day. (If raining or very windy, this may not be possible.)

  • I will provide you with a beautiful and important Certificate of your Wedding Day, so that you may remember your Promises that you make to each other, always!

  • I can assist you with information on obtaining your Official Marriage Certificate, from Births Deaths and Marriages and change of name.

  • And show my continued support, along the way xxoxx …

… Phew, that’s a lot of I’s, now it’s your turn…so you can say…I do!

The Happy Couples, to do list …

  • Confirm with me a no obligation meeting time, and date to discuss your upcoming Ceremony.

  • You choose me, then I will confirm your date and time booking, with a non-refundable deposit. Locking in your booking date with me as soon, as soon as I can.

  • I will need you to provide me with original copies in regard to proof of you date and place of birth.  Passport Birth Certificate (all Original Documents) and other documents of Personal Identity, i.e. a Driver’s Licence, see Frequently Asked Questions.

  • You provide me with the full names of your chosen two Witnesses; legally required to be aged 18 years and over.

  • Complete your Notice of Intended Marriage (NOIM) legal form, or I can assist you with this when we meet. This form must be submitted to me a minimum of One Month Prior to the wedding and must not exceed 18 months. You can submit your Notice in person to me, or via fax or mail, but you must bring the Original Notice with you, when you meet with me! The NOIM will remain active for 18 months from the date of submission.

  • I will then arrange to meet with you for a second time, either personally over the phone, email, or other social media, to finalise the Ceremony arrangements, for your amazing wedding day!

  • We then need to review and finally agree on the Ceremony copy.

  • You will each sign your Declarations of conjugal status, legal form.

  • We will organise a Rehearsal, at a time that suits all of us; (if required), fees may apply, in regard to travel. (I really need just the three of us but your can bring any one you wish to rehearsal. If you are having a bridal party, I will assist with placement and support on the day, and meet with other Professionals on the day to discuss the flow of the Ceremony.

  • You need to pay me the Balance of Fees, at least 14 days prior to your Ceremony day.

  • With You, I will legally conduct your Wedding on the Day, in the presence of your Witnesses, Family and Friends, according to Australian, Law.

  • You two, need to be present at your Wedding Ceremony and enjoy the moment, as the Ceremony will only happen once … with heartfelt blessings from me, Angie … and enjoy your Love Story Celebration! 

    “When you join your inner music with your heart song’s intention, it has the power and energy to transform lives!”

    Come realise your HeartSong with me… Angie

Marriage…the day is here! The Ceremony, the most memorable and legally important part of the day. The part you will really remember. Then on to your choice of venue, for further celebration sharing your joy with those you love!  One day in a lifetime of love and new chapters to your love story being made, officially starts with the Ceremony.  These memories will carry you forward into the life you are creating together!  They will become the stories your children will tell their children … as your love story lives on!

If your wedding party consists of only the legally required 5 people, 10, or more guests. My Professional service to you, is my full 100% focus and commitment to your unique Love Story, Ceremony!

See FAQ’S … ideas for where you can hold a Wedding Ceremony!

All of my Ceremonies are treated with the same Commitment, Care, Confidentiality, and respect for your privacy! I am organised, punctual and focused on your wedding or ceremony! Please contact me, prior to 1 calendar month to ensure, I am available and that you both, meet all legal requirements.  I am available at any location held on the Sunshine Coast and surrounding Hinterland, and legally I can marry anywhere in Australia. You will need me a Celebrant, or other qualified person. Two Witnesses over the age of 18 years; that you invite to legally witness your Vows, the witnesses do not need to be people who are known to you. Lastly and most importantly, yourselves, the happy couple!

  1. Set the Scene”



  2. “Small & Sweet”

    Up to 10 people at your desired location.

  3. “Elope with Me, Angie!”

    Just the five of us.

  4. “Vow Renewal”

    Renew your love life story

  5. “Commit to Me”

    a beautiful pledge of your love

Themed Ceremonies … add a unique element; whether medieval mystical Celtic inspired, or vintage, retro. Whatever your hearts desire is. I am more than happy to help you with your ceremony ideas. Naturally, I am happy to dress to suit the occasion! It is after all your Love Story, your Wedding Day! It can be so much fun, reflecting your personality, in your own unique, Love Story! 


A quiet private and intimate joining, just for the two of you …  Instead of the Registry Office style Ceremony. I can provide a more personalised ceremony, in a natural setting, as nature is where I love to be! If you are marrying on the Sunshine Coast, when choosing a Ceremony site, nature provides an abundance for you to select from; by the sea or surrounded by greenery. I can help with ideas, if you do not have a special place, already in mind! We can also discuss a wet weather alternative, just in case!

Renewing Your Love?

I will help you share your life story to date; with a beautiful renewal of your love story - except, for the legal vows. This Ceremony can coincide with a special Anniversary, or significant Birthday, and is symbolic of your love, as you again share your ongoing commitment to each other, with family and friends, through love, and in the presence of love. Ceremony, reaffirms this, and celebration provides us with memories made through words, music, love and laughter in shared celebration … as you have; realised your hearts song!

Commitment Ceremony?

A beautiful celebration of your public affirmation, in sharing your love and promises to each other with a Commitment Ceremony. Family and friends present. All the ritual of a wedding ceremony that you desire, without the red tape involved of a legally binding marriage ceremony within Australia.

…Some of the many Beautiful Rituals and Symbols you can use in your Wedding Ceremony…

Around the world in every culture, there are many beautiful rituals, that you can in a Civil Ceremony incorporate in your Wedding Ceremony. One of the oldest known wedding traditions, is from Celtic History, an Ancient Handfastening Ceremony, and is now again popular in the world today, as we seek some of the older traditions and values, whether your roots are Celtic or not. Handfastening is a symbolic union in a wedding ceremony. One or more ropes are tied around the couples’ wrists as a symbol of the two individual people, now becoming one! The colour white representing purity, blue for fidelity, and red for passion. You may choose to use other colours, green for fertility and growth, purple for spiritual strength, and gold for wisdom. You can then speak the virtue to your love within the safety of your circle of family and friends.

A Sand Ceremony, is a unifying ceremony, acknowledging the coming together of two people, two families as one united and powerful. Each person involved in the ceremony, pouring their chosen coloured sand, into a clear single container. Creating a beautiful rainbow layered effect, a keepsake for the future, each colour representing what that person feels is most important to them in a marriage. Yellow for example represents, harmony and balance in life’s journey with a true friend by your side. Symbolising the families life-long commitment and the joining of the two lives, incorporating parents and special family members, particularly beautiful for blending families.

The Unity Candle, represents the essence of love, it gives the feeling of warmth and safety, a light to brighten your way in dark times, a feeling of joy as you feel for your spouse on this wedding day. Together, entering into the unknown future. Three candles are required, one from each family. The couple light the centre candle, each from the other two candles, individually bring their own light to the central candle. The three will remain lit, throughout the ceremony. One candle for each spouse and one for the unity of their new family. A symbolic and profound commitment to each other and to their love as each person honours the marriage union.

If this is your second marriage, this beautiful Ceremony is unifying for any children to the marriage, they can also help to light a candle and feel the love and sense of belonging of their new family unit.

A Rose Ceremony, for the Mothers of the Marrying Couple - a beautiful gesture to honour the Mothers the givers of life and love, or other family members during the Wedding Ceremony. The Bride and Groom can each bestow their gratitude and love in this sacred circle of love with family and friends, to their Mothers on their Wedding Day!

A Rose or Flower Ceremony, allows the bride and groom a way for them to show gratitude for the love bestowed upon them to each other in memory of their wedding day and in front of their circle of love, their family and friends.

In Croatia each wedding guest receives a single branch of rosemary which is pinned to their left side as corsages. The rosemary may be quite often decorated with a red-white-blue ribbon that symbolic of the Croatian flag.

Please contact me, for an all inclusive no obligation quote; regarding any of my HeartSong services, thanking you!

“It is absolutely your day your way!”

…from the heart, Angie xox