Hello and Welcome, Congratulations on your choosing a Name Day Celebration for your baby/toddler, or as an adult, for yourself! My name is Angie Hudson and I am a professionally qualified Life Celebrant.

A Naming Celebration, or Namegiving Celebration, in a Civil Ceremony offers people the formality of a Ceremony without the religious content. Affirming the arrival of your child and linking the child to its family and cultural background, with unique personalisation the very beginning of a new life story, Birth! A new exciting life presence, is joyfully welcomed into the world!  This ceremony acknowledges the child’s joining and establishes the new born, or toddlers role, within the family or blended family! A joining of culture and heritage creating a sense of belonging! Your parents give you a Name, purposefully chosen just for you, your identity in this wide world, starts with your Name!

A happy ceremony, which is celebrated through story, with participation from family, friends, guides, godparents, grandparents and mentors.  Including beautiful rituals, combining word and the joyfulness of music, in shared celebration, through Ceremony! 

A Name Day Ceremony may flow, like so…

…a Welcome/Introduction - music/a poem - the child’s own special story told - the meaning of the child’s name - a blessing/a gift giving/or ritual, (perhaps including special family and friends) - acknowledging parents - acknowledging chosen special two guides/godparents/mentors over the age of 18 - acknowledging grandparents - Naming of the Child - poem/special words - music - Presentation of the Certificates - Ceremony Conclusion - Celebratory music.

Things for Parent’s to consider …

the ceremony will generally run for 20 minutes. consider the Time OF the Day, ESPECIALLY IN SUMMER for shade and quick storms AND with CONSIDERATION OF THE CHILDS DAILY ROUTINES. the DATe of the year, may affect when most family & friends, will be available to attend. an Appropriate Venue, that is safe and weather friendly, i.e home backyard. Choosing special Two people guides/godparents/mentors over the age of 18. WILL YOU INCLUDE OTHER CHILDREn family or friends IN THE CEREMONY, AS THIS IS A PERFECT OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE, AND FEEL INCLUDED IN THE SPECIAL DAY. ESPECIALLY SO FOR WELCOMING A SECOND CHILD, adopting a child, OR in celebrating the JOINING OF A BLENDED FAMILY. Choosing Music, favourite songs, or A musician; you may already have in mind a few songs oR the child’s personal favourites. think about recording THE CEREMONy FOR A BEAUTIFUL MEMORY to keep and look back on over time AS A FAMILY…

… Children love to look at pictures of themselves, and to have treasures/keepsakes to look upon, long after the event. They remind them of a time when they were little, loved and safe; that they don’t perhaps remember now…celebrated with those they love and yes; we all love a party, a reason to Celebrate, especially when it is all about you!

Some Ceremony Symbol & Ritual ideas… for the Naming Day …

A Name Day Candle, symbolic of light and the essence of life and love. Gift Giving, a keepsake, family heirloom passed down through the generations, eg. a piece of jewellery, a special medal. A Petal Ceremony, a sprinkling of petals over the child’s head, within the Ceremony, as parents acknowledge other siblings, and grandparents, while sharing their words while sprinkling the petals. Expressing verbally the qualities and hopes they wish for the child, for a happy healthy and joyful life. Sunflower/Rose or other flower giving ceremony; a beautiful and gentle ceremony for all ages to participate in. A Signature Bear. A Unifying Sand Ceremony - can include other children and members of your family, in a beautiful ceremony - each person adding a different coloured sand, making the colours of the rainbow, symbolising each of our own unique differences, and individual gifts. Showing the joy the new life represents through a visual keepsake; accompanied by beautiful words, and using my special Tibetan bell; in acknowledging each new colour, to the life energy emerging; the colour meaning spoken as added to the one vase, unifying all in the Ceremony, to the most important gift, of life! White, the colour of innocence, represents a sanctified and clean soul, displays the emotions of uplifting and refreshing wisdom, that are evoked in a white relationship, leading to a prosperous, happy healthy and successful life. A Butterfly Release, where nature compliments the moment. A Beautiful Blessing to the 4 elements, earth air fire & water, including your chosen guides/godparents/mentors. Plant a Tree, shrub, or a rose bush in a pot, depending on your location; that will grow as your child grows. A Memory Box containing small gifts, reflecting the connection with the child and the person, a shell, from your favourite beach, a crystal symbolic of peace and hope for the future, photos, an Astrological Chart, what was happening in the universe at the moment your child was was born, the ancients used astrology to guide them in all decision making. A memory reflecting the day date and time of birth for your child. Include distant family and friends, a letter/email sent by relatives, an article referring to the news of the day, a coin of significance. A favourite book, a pressed flower or leaf; sends the message of hope for the love of nature, a guitar pick sending the wish for musical appreciation, a usb with a photo, recording of the special day saved. Whatever is relative to you and your families life; can be incorporated into the Wish Box, sealed and kept until that significant 18th or 21st Birthdate. What a beautiful surprise and a memory of the child’s own special, Name Day!


An adult, Naming Ceremony may happen in recognition of a transition or change in a young person or adults life. Then as an Adult having had some time to reflect on the source of your intentions, as you grow and shape your own path forward, in this life’s journey!  Perhaps no formal ceremony was performed for you as a child, and you choose freely to share your name now with those you love. This uniquely allows you to show how you personally, wish to be viewed in the world! When you join your name in a blended marriage as a family, this can often be a reason for a Naming Ceremony, children choosing to take the stepparents name as their own.

Throughout the history of mankind, predating Christianity, milestone moments having been ritualistically acknowledged, through rites of passage. Ceremony shows acceptance, through ritual and establishes and affirms the role of the child within the family. Further acknowledging this belonging to the wider community. Helping to prepare the child for life ahead and naturally, leading on into adulthood and further committing to a shared life, with a new love, a new community, ever grounded in the security of belonging, and acknowledgement of who they are and where their place is, in the world!

In these modern days where our home work life environment, is not as it was in days past. Where technology and life is running at a different and faster pace. My belief, is that it is important to acknowledge growth, success and change. Your promises to nurture support and educate your child - in the hope that they will become independent adults; who are actively contributing to society, is needed more today than ever before. Take the time to press the pause button on daily life and to realise the meaning of why, we need to celebrate these milestone moments!

“Don’t prepare the path for the child, prepare the child for the path.” Anonymous

What you need to do…

  • Confirm a date and time with me, for your Ceremony,

  • Choose 2 people 18 years and over, who will help guide your child through life. A Mentor/Godparents, family or friend.

  • Choose a venue, that suits your needs, and is safe for small children; and for all other family members needs, elderly and (toileting, sun safe, and secure). The home backyard is a great venue, as all ages will be catered for, and will fit in to your family routines, with ease … other venues may not be as user friendly, and it is a time of Celebration; being able to participate see and hear the Ceremony, is important, for the success of the Celebration, with your family and friends, in creating this special and new happy memory!

  • Have a few favourite songs in mind, or perhaps a musician.

  • Choose which rituals are perfect for the Name Day, a blessing ceremony, a gift giving, or a symbolic gesture.

    What I as the Name Day Celebrant, provide for you …

  • My Professionally trained Services as a Life Celebrant and my caring and sunny nature.

  • My work and life experiences as a mother of two young men and most recently a decade of working with children, in early years education!

  • I will confirm my availability, for the date, time and venue with you.

  • I can meet with you, at your home, for your convenience, or at my home office. I understand young families are busy families!

  •  I can offer ideas for the Ceremony, words, rituals, symbols.

  •  I will need the full names of your 2 chosen special people, guide/godparents/mentors.

  • I will work with you and your ideas, and plan and write a ceremony, reflecting your wishes.

  • I can conduct and attend a Rehearsal if you require, for the best success of the day.

  •  I will provide a beautiful Certificate for your child/young person/adult and a smaller one for the two chosen guides/godparents/mentors.

  • I have a Professional PA system, with wireless microphone and bluetooth access. Which can be utilised, depending on the number of guests and the weather on the day.

Your child with guidance and acknowledgement, in active participation and interaction with your community, yourselves your people your tribe, will flourish and grow!

…come realise your Heartsong with me … Angie xox