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My name is Angie Hudson, as a Professionally, trained Civil Funeral Celebrant; a person of faith and spiritual connection. I care for value and honour, the people who are the caretakers of this our home, earth!

I can assist you at your time of loss, and grief with … 

  • Funeral Services…at a Burial/Cremation, a Funeral Parlour, private residence. or a Green Burial

  • Living Funerals… (your precious loved one may wish to be present at their own funeral celebration, due to a terminal illnesS)

  • Scattering of Ashes Ceremony

  • A Memorial Tribute

  • A Celebration of Life

I work collaboratively with a Funeral Director, in my role as a Funeral Celebrant, and being mindful of the wishes of the client, the Family. It is important to have a connection with the person who will speak for you and your loved one. Especially at this time of loss when the world as you know it, has been turned upside down!

In choosing me as your Celebrant, a Civil Ceremony (non-religious), means, in contrast to a set-ritual religious ceremony. Civil Celebrancy; allows for freedom to celebrate and remember your loved one, reflecting on what your loved ones values and beliefs were and how they liked to live their life! You can include elements within the ceremony, of your loved ones culture, family history and life achievements. Honouring the precious human life lived and loved.

A Celebration of Life Service, Scattering of Ashes Ceremony, or; Memorial Service, can be held at a later date, when your grief is less and you have had time to process, the loss of the loved one! It can also be an opportunity then to speak, to act and to heal; through personal participation! I will be there to help!  I will assist you in the process of creating the ceremony, through the use of word, song, ritual and symbol, in the retelling of the life story, lived.  If you are a religious person and do not wish to hold the Ceremony in a place of worship; you may also choose to include prayer/hymn/song, in a Civil Ceremony, as an element of the ceremony, a true reflection of the life lived.

At the end of this wonderful life; we celebrate the unique individuals life lived; as we return to the God Spirit, Mother Earth, the infinite place, our essence spent; our life, love story lived, as we know it, in this life.

Love lives on, in saying our final farewells, by valuing, acknowledging and honouring that human precious life. This ceremony also importantly acknowledges our individual emotions and feelings! In the surrounds of companionship and safety, with our family and friends, and wider community, our support team. In time, helping with our own grief and loss, by being able to move, into our own, lives again! Assured in the knowledge that your loved ones life was validated and is now forever interwoven in the fabric of your own, life story!

I offer you, my Professionally trained services, with a holistic approach to life; in farewelling your loved one …

  • 1 appointment is usually necessary, to meet the Client Family, (depending on the circumstances, to learn about your loved one), I can come to your home, or an appropriate mutual place, or you can attend my home office.

  • I will send a completed Draft Ceremony via email for any corrections, to the Client Family, as it is important to have the right information, eg. names family history.

  • I offer suggestions for video/photo presentations, music choices, poetry, readings, prayer, and symbol inclusion, (photos, trophies, awards, special personal memorabilia), best reflecting the loved ones life story.

  • I will discuss with those who are chosen to participate in the Ceremony, their role and offer gentle guidance in a caring and supportive manner throughout the ceremony.

  • Assist the Family with the Eulogy.

  • Consult with the Family on how the Ceremony will proceed, ensuring that the Family’s Final Farewell, is as they had imagined.

  • To contact me, please see my contact page.


Come find your heartsong with me … Angie xox

“Life brings tears, smiles, and memories: the tears dry, the smile fades, but the memories live on forever.” Anonymous

Always in our hearts…

never far away …
